From rock bottom to soul-led purpose - that's not just my story, it's an anchor to the work I do in the world. I'm Lisa Jeffs, and my triumph over addiction, chronic anxiety and self-doubt taught me that our deepest wounds often hide our greatest gifts.
What started as my personal healing journey has blossomed into 11 years of guiding entrepreneurs and leaders to their fullest potential. Through our work together, you'll discover that true confidence isn't just about success - it's about showing up as your whole, authentic self.
On The Magnetic Leader podcast, we dive deep into real stories of transformation, combining practical leadership strategies with spiritual wisdom. Each episode is like sitting down with a trusted friend who gets both your ambition and your soul's calling.
Ready to break free from what's holding you back? I have a few spots open for breakthrough strategy sessions.
Together, we'll map out your path to the extraordinary life that's waiting for you. Your journey to becoming a Magnetic Leader starts with a single brave step.
The question isn't whether you're capable of transformation - it's whether you're ready to claim it. Let's talk.
Wouldn't it give you tremendous joy to prioritize yourself without guilt? Welcome to an episode where we unravel the art of self-care, a practice often side-lined due to our bustling routines. Let's journey together and reminisce about how our loved ones catered to their own needs and how we can learn from them. It's time to accept that self-care isn't a luxury anymore, but a necessity if we aspire to craft success, nurture meaningful relationships, and aim to connect with something far more profound.
As we dive into the heart of the matter, you'll discover that self-care is the cornerstone of success. It's about nurturing our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, it's about maintaining our focus and energy, and it's about progressing and evolving. From Epsom salt baths and raw food indulgence to the tranquility of journaling and meditation - we will explore different ways to recharge our energy and support our ambitions effectively. As we move further, we also tap into the power of creativity, unfolding how artistic pursuits can channel life force and energy, attracting abundance and synchronicities in our lives. If you've been feeling stuck, doubtful, or need assistance in navigating beyond burnout, you're in the right place. Welcome to an episode of self-discovery, healing, and transformation.
I resisted proper self-care practices until my body was screaming no more.
Speaker 2:
You're tuning into the confident connected leader podcast, your premier destination for breaking through your current professional barriers. Your coach and host, lisa Jeffs, will help you transcend limitations and achieve new levels of professional success beyond self-doubt, sabotage and burnout. Welcome to the show.
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Welcome to the confident, connected leader podcast. I am your host, lisa Jeffs, and today we're going to talk about self-care and how it can literally change your life, 10x your income, improve the quality of your life, which is one of the most important aspects of it. And why do I owe? What is self-care anyways, because this is a topic that I've seen talk about on the internet. I think it really started getting popular about maybe four or five years ago, when we really started to see more and more about self-care, and there's a lot of information on the internet where you can find self-care tactics and tools and what it is, what it isn't, according to people. There are some that like to say things like bubble bath and doing these pampering activities, or that's not really self-care.
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Self-care is deeper, goes deeper. My view on self-care is it's whatever you want it to be. There's no rules. Whether it's a deep journaling session and energy clearing or if it's a bubble bath and a massage, it's all self-care. Self-care, in my opinion, in my view, in my experience, is simply when we take out time, when we prioritize the time to take care of ourselves in whatever way we choose, and really it's great to have a mix of different tools in your toolbox. The key here is prioritizing it, because for type A leaders, busy, busy women I'm going to focus a little bit on my ladies here, because I know from working with a lot of clients and from myself that self-care often gets pushed to the background. Even simple things that we can do throughout the day will get pushed to the background for quote unquote more important things or even taking care of others and I'm not saying that this isn't a challenge for some of the men that I work with, because it is. But specifically talking about you know what I want to talk about this in a general sense of. For the caregivers listening to this, for the ones who love to take care of others, whether that is their own children, their family members, their spouse, their animals, their friends it's really important that you start marking out some time to take care of you in a way that feels good.
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We are a society that is highly either burnt out or on the verge of burnout, and for myself, I would push myself to these ridiculous limits until I, you know we just have to do so. You know my back would be in so much pain or it would be so tight that I would just have to go get a massage, you know, and then I allowed myself to do it, and part of it is going back to our childhood. I really want you to look at how did your mom or how did the female figures in your life take care of themselves? How did the male figures in your life take care of themselves? How? What did you see growing up? I saw a lot of people zoning out, tuning out, or I saw people taking care of other people and not taking care of themselves. This is not an option anymore. If you want to create more success in your life, if you want to create more fulfilling relationships, if you want to be connected to something deeper, you have to prioritize taking care of you.
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And, whether you know the word self-care has a kind of kind of surface level connotation on it. What it means is prioritizing your wellbeing body, mind, spirit, energy, what works for you and do more of that. So for me, I love taking epsom salt fast. I love them Not only for my body, it's also for my mind, gives me a chance to really meditate and just detach from the world. It's great for my energy as well. They are great Epsom salt baths are great energy clearers Great for the physical body. I also do deeper self-care. I love journaling. I love meditating, releasing the heaviness of the day, clearing my energy, making sure that I'm getting foods in that fuel my body. I know for me personally I do really really well with lots of live food, a lot of alive food fruits, vegetables, raw.
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Not everybody does. It's knowing what works for you and prioritizing that, because that will have one of the biggest effects on the results that you get. So when people come into my programs whether it's working with me one-on-one or it's in my liberation key program, especially with the liberation key program so if we're dealing with self-sabotage, one of the first things that the foundation of working through a sabotaging pattern is working on the body, making sure we are taking care of our physical vessel. That is the foundation. It is very hard to make progress and do this work when our physical vessel is we're not taking care of it and it's in a place where it is lethargic. We have brain fog, we have different things going on Doesn't even mean necessarily that you aren't taking care of it. You can be doing things, that you're taking care of your body, but you're having certain things going on. So making sure that you're seeing the right people for you in your journey. So I have a client right now who is seeing a hormone specialist because that's where she needs support in.
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So when we're dealing with sabotage, the body is often a really easy thing to utilize to distract ourselves. So let's say that we are on. You know we've set our goals and they are beyond our safety zone. So if you've heard me talk before, the safety zone is our point of safety and anything above that safety zone or safety in line, our saboteur can come in to pull us back in. So we don't progress past that. And one of the easiest things that people will do is they will utilize their physical vessel, their body, to help pull themselves back. It's a great distraction technique and it also is a one of the ways we'll. We'll.
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I'm a suppressor energy, so that can look like you know you set this, this big goal, and you're working towards it, but you're not. You're not taking moments breaks for self care. You're not sleeping well. You're working all hours of the night. You're not eating well. What you know is going to bring your energy down and what people will do is and what I've done myself is oh, I got to take care of this. First I got to work, you know, I got to make sure that I'm I'm healthy and I'm feeling good, and then I'm going to take action, those actions on my business, to make progress and they'll keep in this loop because it's very it makes sense, right? Well, I got to, got to make sure that I'm healthy, got to make sure that I feel good, but really we're. It's just part of our sabotaging pattern. So, finding what works for you in the world of self care.
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Self care is whatever you want it to be. It is whatever you want it to be, something that makes you feel lighter, energetically, mentally, physically, knowing we're dealing with sabotage and doubt and burnout and all those things that are hindering our growth forward, are hindering us from being fully confident. We want to make sure that we're doing things that make us feel grounded in our body, focused, lighter. Even putting on a funny video, some cat video on YouTube, something that you enjoy, and just laughing, just letting go. What else is a really powerful self-care aspect Can be being present with your friends and family and loved ones and people that you care about. I've heard this. I've heard so many things. I've been in the entrepreneur space, in the leadership space for about 10 years and I've heard lots of different opinions and aspects online and one of them is cut off. People don't you're moving towards.
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You got to sacrifice time with friends and family and all that stuff which can happen to place, but self-care, community connection is so, so important and can help to pour life into what we are doing. Pour life into the work we are doing. Do not discount certain things that may seem like it's not directly connected to the work that you're doing. It seems like it's not directly connected to building your business or taking your career to the next level, but if it's making you feel more grounded, centered, alive, this is what you want to focus on. This is going to take your work to that next level, your relationships to the next level. You cannot pour from an empty cup.
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As cliche as this, that saying is as much as we've heard it. It is true. Okay, so this is your permission to book that trip, to spend time with those friends, to grab your journal and take off for a day and do some deep work with yourself. Go on that retreat, whatever it is for you. There's no right or wrong here.
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I'll add one last thing creativity. There's a lot of people who could be getting a lot better results in their business, in their life, feeling more alive, feeling more alive in their relationships, experiencing more of an abundance, experiencing more synchronicities coming to them, if they allowed themselves to create, to be in places of creation, whether that is playing music, grabbing a sketchbook, writing, playing with stuff, molding, sculpting, whatever it is. There's unlimited amounts of creativity that you can do, but we as human beings are creative by nature. If you're not adding that into your daily activities, minimum your weekly activities, chances are you are choking the amount of life force, energy that you could be experiencing and flowing with. So when things feel stagnant or hard or like a struggle and you feel like what am I even doing this for? It's time to bring that creativity back in your life as a form of self-care.
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All right, as always, thank you for listening. I'm so honored If you're still listening to this. Thank you for being here. If you want to go deeper in this, if you know you need help with this, I do offer complimentary breakthrough calls for leaders, entrepreneurs, execs who are ready to move beyond the burnout, this sabotage, the doubt, to experience it all. You can do that. You can find the link. It's in my show notes. As always, I'll see you on the next one and let's stay connected.