The Confident Connected Leader

Maintaining Momentum: Ignite Your Drive to Achieve Unstoppable Growth!!

Lisa Jeffs Season 3 Episode 10

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What if your greatest growth comes not from rock bottom, but from maintaining momentum in the good times? Discover how to keep the fire alive and finish the year strong, no matter where you currently stand. Reflecting on my journey from addiction and the adult entertainment industry to rapid success, I reveal how such transformative experiences can fuel an unstoppable drive. We'll break down why it's essential to be brutally honest with ourselves and recognize when we're getting complacent, and how to shatter the "I'll do it when" mindset that holds so many back. High achievers, this episode is your blueprint for acknowledging and celebrating your progress, even if it feels slower than you'd like.

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Speaker 1:

We are getting closer to the end of the year. Time is flying by the end of the year. There's three things that can happen as we approach the end of the year. Either we're gonna keep a steady pace and end the year pretty much how we started, if we've been at a steady pace throughout the year, or we can backtrack a little.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes people slow down a bit during this time and slowing down doesn't mean you're going to get less results, but you may find that things are not moving as fast as you'd like them to, or you can have a literal quantum leap from now until the end of the year, because there's plenty of time. Even though we are getting closer, there's still plenty of time to have a massive shift in what you're doing, how you're feeling and what you are achieving the results that you're welcoming in. Stay tuned, this is going to be an amazing one.

Speaker 2:

You're tuning into the Confident, Connected Leader podcast, your premier destination for breaking through your current professional barriers. Your coach and host, Lisa Jeffs, will help you transcend limitations and achieve new levels of professional success beyond self-doubt, sabotage and burnout. Welcome to the show.

Speaker 1:

A workshop for a group of entrepreneurs and one of them asked me because I was sharing the story about my huge transformation when I was just coming into the world in my early 20s and I was in that rock bottom state of addiction. I was just coming out of the adult entertainment world.

Speaker 1:

And I made a literal 180. I mean a rapid change. Within less than a year, I had completely changed my life, my identity and what I was achieving. And the question was related to I understand making such a huge transformation when you've hit rock bottom because really there's nowhere else to go. I mean rock bottom you're either 10 feet under or you've made a huge change going upward, but how do you maintain that same momentum or find that spark when things are pretty good? How do you avoid becoming complacent and really going after what you want?

Speaker 1:

I thought this was such a great question because of you know it's. You know I call it the rock bottom blessing when we have these rock bottom moments, because it really gives us clarity on what it's like to be at such a low place, it gives us perspective and it can really ignite a fire within us to propel us forward, whereas when you don't have that, when things are pretty okay, it can get really easy to stay in that okay place, because going after your dreams and really pushing yourself, getting uncomfortable, doing things that most people aren't doing, ultimately to get to a place where it's completely aligned to your vision right, I'm talking to people here. If you're listening. This is for you. If you have a big vision, so you have really big goals. It's not going to be a easy peasy, lemon squeezy journey. There's going to be a lot of challenges you got to get through, so you really have to find that fire within you to pull you forward. So I'm going to give you some methods that I use that you can start implementing If you're finding that you know things are pretty good.

Speaker 1:

You're not at a rock bottom place, you're not at a low place, but you'd like to be somewhere else. Maybe you do have a big vision. Maybe there are things in the world that you want to bring online. Maybe you want to write a book. Maybe you want to launch something. Maybe you want to elevate your career in some way. Go for a promotion, whatever it is, buy a new house, improve your relationship. There are going to be a multitude of different things that you want to do, but because things aren't that bad, you're kind of struggling to make that move, to make that change, and maybe you're scared that you're going to get it wrong, or maybe you're scared that you're going to screw things up and then things aren't going to be good anymore. You won't even have the blessing of being complacent. You're going to be at some place that's lower and you're going to have to work your way up again. Maybe these are all the thoughts that are going on in your head.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing I want you to do is I want you to get really honest with yourself, because we can't make changes when we're not fully being honest and not necessarily that we're lying to ourselves, but we're choosing not to see what's really in front of us. Now this can look like when a person keeps using the excuse, or when they keep saying things like you know, I'll do it next Monday, or I'll do it when Monday, or I'll do it when X, y, z is in place. You know when I have this or when I get here or all these things, but nothing seems to happen. Nothing is changing. If you keep using the same excuse or if things haven't shifted I like to use the timeframe of three months then we gotta get honest with ourselves. Are we in a loop? Are we in a pattern loop where we're not really? You know, being honest with ourself that we're not gonna do it when this happens, because there's always something else that happens. There's always something else that postpones us from taking action. So it's getting honest with your situation and really seeing it for what it is Now.

Speaker 1:

This can also be, in a sense, where we may not even be seeing it. It's not necessarily we're not seeing how, let's say, bad it is. I don't like using that word Nothing's really bad, but in this context I'll use it. But sometimes we're not even seeing how good things are. We're thinking that we're in more of a challenge or things were not growing, when actually we are moving forward. We are progressing and this can be very true for high achievers that are always looking at what's the next step and not really celebrating how far they've come and what they've already done, and sometimes really acknowledging oh, I am making progress. Maybe not as fast as I'd like, but I am making progress. And maybe not as fast as I'd like, but I am making progress and I am moving forward. This can start to fire up that momentum because ultimately we want to get to a place where we are making momentum. We are making progress because this is going to increase our momentum. It will naturally increase our momentum. We want to make sure that we are on a roll right. It's a lot easier to stay on a roll when we're on the roll, than be stopping and starting, having to start and all these things. So the goal is momentum. So a couple of inner mindset perceptions that have helped me fuel up that fire when I haven't been in a place where it's been rock bottom.

Speaker 1:

Let's go into your why. Now, this is not a new concept. You probably especially if you're in the entrepreneur world you probably hear this all the time. Knowing your why, it's all about your why. But even still, while people hear that they're often not connecting to it or they're not connecting to it enough, they're not really getting clear. Why am I doing this? Why does it matter? Why do I want to, let's say, put out the book? Why do I want the promotion? Why do I want to expand my business? Right, it's not the money. Okay, that is not going to be the driver for you. But what is this business going to do? What matters to you? What is your why? What gets you fired up? Your why should be something that gets you fired up, gets you going. When you think about it, when someone is talking about it, you feel it in your bones, you feel that fire. This is about connecting to your why, about connecting to your why and, ultimately, what's going to help you is connecting to your why daily, or, at minimum, on your work days, when you are working, whatever that looks like throughout your week. So for me it is.

Speaker 1:

I have a very clear vision. My vision includes all the aspects of my life that are important to me. So this isn't just work, but it's work, it's family, it's where I'm living, it's what I'm doing, it's my hobbies, it's how much money I'm receiving in, it's my lifestyle, it's the hours that I'm working, it's how I'm contributing, giving back to the world, what I'm creating. It's everything, and I've created my vision over the years through using journal prompts, and also I love Pinterest because I'm a very visual person. So just seeing certain things, I can see a picture. And if I can picture myself there and it ignites a feeling within me, I know that this is an addition I'd like to add to my vision.

Speaker 1:

Out within you, this can create sabotaging patterns and that's a whole, nother episode, but aligning to your vision daily and feeling into it. So I will do a visualization in the morning where I'm tuning into my vision. I'm seeing myself living in this vision, I'm getting excited, I'm getting the feelings up and I do this for about 10, 15 minutes and then I just let it go and I'm not attached to it happening a certain way. But I'm tuning into the frequency of this vision, I'm aligning myself to this vision. It's already done right and I'm putting it out right and I'm putting it out. So if you're not aligning to something bigger than what you are currently experiencing, if you're not aligning yourself daily with something bigger, more exciting, something that ignites you, you're just going to be kind of going through the day to day and again, there's nothing wrong with that. But if you're someone that has these bigger goals, these bigger desires, it's because they're available to you. You wouldn't have certain desires if they weren't available to you.

Speaker 1:

And one of the ways that we hinder ourselves from experiencing it is by simply not focusing enough. Our focus and our excitement, the energy that we bring towards something, this is what creates it in our life so much faster. When I can think of the times that I was just laser focused on on a goal, absolutely laser focused, and I was so excited about it that came into my life, whatever it was, whatever it is, there's a couple things I'm thinking of right now, so quickly, like I mean rapid speed, and other times where it's kind of just a thought, I'm just kind of thinking like, oh, that'd be cool, that would be nice, you know that'd be, but there's not a focus on it, there's no real energy behind it. Then it typically takes a long time or I just forget about it, I don't it, I don't even create it in my life. So focus and the energy behind something okay, is gonna be very, very important.

Speaker 1:

If you're feeling a little complacent with where you are, you gotta get that visual. And if you're not a visual person, if maybe you're a tactile person, whatever it is that gives you this. It's almost like I want to think of it. It's like the light, you know, the spark to your fire. Right, a fire starts with a spark. It has to be a spark. This is what you need daily to keep you motivated.

Speaker 1:

Now, on the flip side, because we're not always that motivated to move towards a desire, to move towards pleasure, but many, many, many, many, many, many people are motivated to move away from pain. Motivated to move away from pain. Another way I am extremely motivated is by a fear of regret at the end of my life of not doing the things that I want to do Now. Also, I will say that I do have a belief that we have many lifetimes and we have many opportunities and many chances to do things. However, we're only going to be this person in this lifetime, this one time. So let's enjoy it. Let's put out into the world what we want to put out. Let's live it to the fullest, because why the heck not? The only reason we're not is because of fears, is because of the stories that we tell ourselves.

Speaker 1:

So if I need to get really boosted and I need to get motivated, or if I'm presented with an opportunity, and then there's fear in my mind, such as if there's an opportunity I really want to do, I will go to my 90 plus self, you know, and I'll picture myself. I used to say this. If you've been in my community for a long time, you probably heard me say this. I would talk about being on my rocking chair and rocking and thinking about my life. Now I'm like I'm not going to be in a rocking chair at 90. I'm going to be out, living my life, I'm going to be doing stuff, I'm going to be moving, I'm going to be active, but I can still have a visual of myself thinking back on my life and what I'm really grateful for doing and what I maybe regret not doing, and I don't want that.

Speaker 1:

I don't wanna think back and think I wish I did that thing or I wish I just went for that. I wanna do it now. I wanna do it while I have the idea, because why the heck not? And that's enough to motivate me. You don't need to have a rock bottom moment to pick yourself up and get motivated towards something better. And unfortunately, it happens a lot for people that they either have a run in with, let's say, a sickness or an accident or something happens and then it's almost like a wake up call. Unfortunately, it takes a lot for some people to they need to get to that point to take action. You don't have to do that. You can create whether it is thinking about exactly what I said. What are you going to be thinking about at the end of your life? Are you going to live with regret or, if it feels better, really tapping into that, why? But it's not just your vision statement on paper that's gonna do it. It's really tapping into your heart space. Why is this important? If you wanna write a book. Let's say why it's not just to write a book and then have a book out in the world.

Speaker 1:

How do you wanna impact people? Who do you want to read your book? Why? Why is it important that they're reading it? Why is it important that they're hearing your story or they're hearing your wisdom? If they didn't hear that, if you couldn't impact these people, what would be sad about that? What would be absolutely tragic if these people didn't hear your story? And I'm just using the book as an example. I'm not talking only to people who wanna write a book, but using this as an example, because so often we just get kind of caught up in life and we're just going through the motions and even if things are pretty good let's say the money is there and your relationship is okay and everything is just kind of good, but it's not great we can just kind of go through these motions.

Speaker 1:

Human beings will tolerate a lot. This is one thing that I have recognized Human beings. And then we'll draw. I'm making generalized statements, but as a generalized statement, human beings will tolerate so much shit. I know God, my hands are up I've tolerated so much shit in my life. I mean crappy relationships, pretty shitty jobs, crappy things that I've done to myself, that I put myself into. But we don't have as easy a time as a generalized statement welcoming in all the abundance and wonder and amazing things that are available for us. We'll tolerate a lot, but will we open? Will you open to the incredible amazing things relationships, connections, impact, influence, having your business, moving up in your organization to make changes, leading people, welcoming in new amounts of money so you can change the way that you are living, so that you can change the lives of your family members, whatever it is that is meaningful to you? Will you open up your capacity to receive and welcome in this new way of being, this new way of experiencing life, new ways of working, of achieving whatever? It is that is the question. These are methods you can use to fire yourself up. I hope this was helpful.

Speaker 1:

This is a very nuanced conversation, so if you have specific questions or if you have things to share, things to add, send me a text message. You can do so on the podcast website. If you're listening to this outside of the actual podcast website, you can go to my Instagram at lisa, underscore jeffs and in the link in my bio. If you click on that, you go to the podcast. You will see somewhere on that page a link where you can send me a text message, send me a question, so I can answer it on a podcast. I'd love to give you some tailored guidance. I love it. I love to give the answer, the questions, give the information that you actually want that you can actually use. That makes me very happy.

Speaker 1:

If you would like to speak with me about your specific challenge so, whatever it is whether you have something that's getting in the way of your growth, or if you have a pattern or behavior, if you're overthinking something, if you're doubting yourself, if you know that having more confidence in your abilities, in who you are, making a shift in your mindset, getting clear on your vision and being held accountable to taking new actions that are going to align with new results if this is something you can benefit from and you would like to chat with me about one-to-one coaching or even group coaching, because we will be launching the Power Play soon. Book a breakthrough call with me. This is a complimentary call. There is a deposit to reserve your spot. However, it is a complimentary call and I can promise you that you are going to leave whether we decide it makes sense for you to move forward with coaching or not. You will leave with a crap ton more clarity. I was going to use, I was going to swear, but I know sometimes I know some people who have children who listen to this, so I'll keep that swear word and just say a crap ton, but you will seriously leave with so much more clarity on what needs to happen to move you forward.

Speaker 1:

And often on this call, I'll pinpoint the exact core reason why you haven't been able to do it on your own, because often this is not something that intelligence or willpower or anything like that is going to solve for you. Because, one, you're already smart enough and, two, it's not about willpower. There's typically, especially when you're having challenges making progress, a core, root reason why you are not moving forward. There is a core fear, something that is in complete opposition to your desires. So you can desire something to move forward, you can desire to get new results, but there's also a part of you that doesn't want those results. The reason it doesn't want those results is because it believes this part of you believes it's gonna be worse off getting those results.

Speaker 1:

This is not based in truth. This is not based in truth. This is not based in what is actually happening. This is a fear program and when we can get to the root and you can have that awareness, it can unlock a whole new amount of energy, clarity and drive forward. It's really quite incredible what can happen when we shine a light on these blind spots. So book a breakthrough, call. Let's have a conversation, as always, if you're still listening. I so appreciate you. I hope this was valuable and I love you. Let's stay connected.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for tuning into the Confident, connected Leader podcast. Lisa Jeffs is committed to helping you break through barriers and climb to new professional heights. If today's episode inspired you, we'd be honored if you could subscribe, rate and leave a review To stay updated with practical tips and insights, follow us on LinkedIn, instagram or Facebook. You'll find all relevant links, including those for our complimentary gifts and trainings, in the show notes. Until our next episode, embrace your confidence and stay connected.