The Magnetic Leader
Welcome to The Magnetic Leader podcast.
I’m Lisa Jeffs, and if there’s one thing I know... it’s that the version of you who already has what you desire is waiting to be activated.
My journey from rock bottom to soul-led leadership taught me that struggles aren’t setbacks... they’re invitations to your greatest power. I didn’t just overcome addiction, anxiety, and self-doubt. I calibrated into the leader I was meant to be—and now, I help my clients do the same.
For over 11 years, I’ve worked with business leaders and entrepreneurs who on paper have it all... but deep down, they know they’re not living up to their full potential. Here, we don’t chase confidence. We embody power. We don’t hustle harder. We align and amplify.
Each episode is an activation — a space to recalibrate into clarity, confidence, and effortless success.
Ready to step into your next level? I have a few spots open for high-level calibration sessions where we map out your path to effortless influence, impact, and success. Because the question isn’t whether you’re capable of transformation.
It’s whether you’re ready to claim it.
Let’s talk.
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The Magnetic Leader
Align with Inner Power for Limitless Success
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Our conversation highlights the critical role of self-care and purpose alignment in your personal evolution. Discover how to cultivate more intentional energy in your interactions and cut out what doesn't serve your higher purpose. We discuss the importance of meaningful connections and the benefits of seeking support from a higher power or spirit team. Break free from negative patterns holding you back and step into your greatness, embracing the global shift as an opportunity to show up as your fullest self. Remember, you're supported and never alone on this journey of personal and spiritual growth.
Thanks for Listening! We appreciate you. Sending you love and gratitude.
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We're gonna be getting a little bit mystical in this episode. This is gonna be one in the books to help you get grounded, centered and focused on now until the end of the year. It's gonna be a pretty incredible next three months until we hit the end of 2024. Stick around, it's going to be a good one.
Speaker 2:You're tuning into the Confident, Connected Leader podcast, your premier destination for breaking through your current professional barriers. Your coach and host, Lisa Jeffs, will help you transcend limitations and achieve new levels of professional success beyond self-doubt, sabotage and burnout. Welcome to the show.
Speaker 1:Welcome to the show leaders. I am excited to have you here. I wanted to make a episode to help you to get focused, grounded and centered. This is the time of year that many people either kind of pull back because they are so burnt out tired they're just exhausted. Burnt out tired, they're just exhausted. Potentially, maybe you've set goals at the beginning of the year and they're taking their time. I know a lot of us like to have our goals manifest pretty quick. Sometimes it takes a while and patients can be wearing thin at this time of year. Or you may have had a really relaxing summer taking care of yourself and now you are ready to rock and roll.
Speaker 1:This is the time of year where there's a lot of opportunities. There's a lot of momentum. It's a really great time, especially if you felt like you haven't made the progress you wanted in the last part of the year or the early part of the year, even though we're almost done to put the pedal to the metal and really make some huge, huge wins Now. I'm going to preface by saying it's okay that things may be taking time for you. It's not all about climbing a mountain, achieving all this, doing all this stuff. It's far more important for you to feel good about your own progress or lack thereof and, by the way, we're always moving forward, even when we feel stuck. Things are still happening. But it's really important that you feel good and if you're a high achiever like me, it's really easy to keep moving forward, looking forward achieving, looking at our next goal and forgetting where we even started and how much we've already done. So, before we get into the actual mystical part of this podcast, I want you just to take some time and congratulate yourself for getting to where you are, which is right here, because yourself for getting to where you are, which is right here, because my guess is you've actually achieved quite a bit already and you're probably not giving yourself credit for all of it. I've created a lot this year. I've actually created a ton, and I actually had to sit down and write it out to remember all of it, because it's easy to forget, and we really want to.
Speaker 1:If we want to make flow be in momentum from now until the end of the year, we want to make sure that we are celebrating where we've been and where we are now, because what the heck is even the point if we're not enjoying and celebrating the journey. We're just gonna be on a perpetual hamster wheel. No, that's ridiculous and not why we came here. I will also. I am launching a new program. It's gonna be in a beta version. It's gonna be a new program. It's gonna be in a beta version. It's gonna be a group program. If you're interested, please reach out. This program is all about progress and focus and feeling really, really good about what you're doing, knowing exactly what to do, how to show up, what to focus on for that growth and the accountability to make it happen. So you don't lose focus, you don't flounder or you don't spend a lot of time and effort on the things that are not moving the needle. And we're going to be working together, which is huge. This is huge for creating momentum until past New Year's, because I want to make sure that you are in a container that is setting you up not only for the end of the year, but also for the beginning of next year. Okay, I'm pretty. You know what. I'm not going to say anything because it's not finalized. I don't wanna give any details not finalized yet, but please send me a message if you're interested to get on the wait list. Info at lisajefscom.
Speaker 1:Okay, let's get into the core of this episode. So we've just had the eclipse and I don't know about you, but I have been feeling. I mean, I'm already sensitive to energy and you good chance, you are too. There is such a powerful supportive energy this entire year has been. If you are looking to create, to manifest, this is the time to do it. I want you to pay attention to what is appearing in your life right now and take a minute, right, you can do this after this episode. But I want you to think about when was the time that you asked for certain things that are now showing up in your life? I can't tell you how many things are popping into my life. Just I can't. Even I would try to give you a list and I can't even remember all of them, because there's so many but things that have come into my life that I've just off the cuff, said you know what? This would be really cool if I had this or this happened or I did this, and it literally is appearing Now also.
Speaker 1:On the flip side, I am also finding anything that I am too attached to, or it's almost. Like you know, I remember years ago manifesting like we're always manifesting, but consciously manifesting, consciously putting effort towards manifesting, and the key word here is effort. So I would be putting effort and things were actually doing pretty well. That same effort now is not. The energy has changed. It's not about effort anymore, it's about asking and allowing, and it never was about effort. Effort's not the right word, but there was more of an intentional focus years ago that needed to take place, to really call in certain desires, and now I'm finding that it's completely the opposite, that it's really simply about stating your intention and being in a place of receiving, being open to receiving that, and one of the ways to do it is simply to state and forget about it. Just simply forget about it. Trust, right, this is you know. We all hear the same example about going to a restaurant that when we order something, we just trust that it's going to be coming out. We're not going in to the kitchen and asking the cook how long it's going to take. Why is it taking so long? If it's taking so long, just forget about it. Give me something else. Could you imagine that? That would be absolutely ridiculous, but we do that all the time when we are asking for something in our life. State what you want, set the intention, let it go, Start playing with the energy. This is more so about having fun with the energy again having fun.
Speaker 1:While this has been a really great year for many people, specifically for me, it's been wonderful around connection. I've made so many connections this year. I'm finding that people are just so much more open and genuine and vulnerable and kind. And if you're not finding that, if you're finding the opposite, well then you have to ask yourself what are you putting out into the world that's being reflected back? And if it's no longer serving you, if you don't like it, if you're like, ah, I'm really kind, I'm not meeting kind people at all, then what are you focusing on? What are you paying attention to? What are you absorbed in?
Speaker 1:I've been very intentional this year about making connections, and when I say intentional, I don't mean that I'm going crazy, you know, messaging people and all this crazy stuff like connections and sending people friend requests and all that stuff. No, I'm not. I'm not saying that I've been intentional about the energy I'm putting into people, the energy I'm putting into people that I value, that I want in my life or that I want to have a connection with, and this doesn't have to be a deep romantic connection. This can simply be doesn't even necessarily need to be a quote unquote friend, but when I'm interacting with people it matters. There's meaning behind it and I'm finding a lot of people are in this space and it's making life very enjoyable. So I have, you know, somewhat been in a I'm not gonna say bubble because it's not a bubble in a I'm not going to say bubble because it's not a bubble, but I've certainly cut off a lot of things that aren't serving me and they're not serving my purpose.
Speaker 1:So if you're listening to this, chances are you know that you have a deeper purpose. Even if you don't know what that deeper purpose is, there's a feeling within you that resonates with I am here to make something happen, to do something, to make some kind of impact. And when we're engaged with all the insanity that is going on I mean, I don't even know what's going on with the election, but I can only imagine the amount of content and posts that are coming out in regards to it and the energy and the frequency in all of that information. Right, it can be very heavy and I'm not saying put your head in the sand, but you have to know yourself and do not engage in certain rabbit holes that you know you're gonna come out the other side feeling like you can't perform at your best, you don't want to show up as your best, you're tired, it's making you tired, it's contributing to you feeling low energy. You really have to be conscious and disciplined around this or you can really fall into some rabbit holes.
Speaker 1:This is a really wonderful time to start asking for more support from your spirit team, whether you're connected with that or not, or you're like what are you even talking about? Spirit team? What the heck is that? Asking for help? Whether you believe in God, whether you believe in the universe source, all of the above, none of the above? Maybe you just believe in energy? I don't know if you'd still be listening or you'd still be here if you didn't believe in any of that, because I talk about that quite often on my podcast, so I'm assuming that you have some kind of connection to a higher power. Ask for help, ask for signs, ask for things that you want.
Speaker 1:Such a wonderful energy can come in when you start connecting, and I'm finding it specifically. Very much has shifted in the last few weeks, and that may be just because of the eclipse. I'll see how it starts to unfold as we go into the end of the year. I also want you to release any addiction, to struggle. We have to start releasing what no longer serves us, and there's a lot of people still addicted to worrying, addicted to being critical of self, of not owning our greatness or the power of who we are Part of. This can be. There's still healing that needs to be done.
Speaker 1:But if you've been in the world of personal development and growth and spirituality and healing for a while, I want you to look at am I actually addicted to this? Are there parts of this that I am addicted to? Whether that's my brain, whether that's my body? Why do I seem to keep falling into the same pattern or habit? Is it an addiction? Because we can heal at that deeper soul level, but our brain and our body can still be addicted to a pattern. Often they are slower to shift and change and they can take more time. Time, patience, repetition work Not always.
Speaker 1:You can have quite a spontaneous letting go and healing and completely shift out of certain patterns and behaviors. I've done it multiple times, but sometimes if there's a particular one that actually is serving us in some way, and a lot of times it may be serving us because it's keeping us safe. It's keeping us at a certain level, even though we may be growing. It's not that, you know, we have to be in a place where we're not growing, but it's still keeping us at a certain level that we feel comfortable in and it's time to let it go. It's time to step into your greatness. This is the time, like literally I'm not just saying this is the time, I mean it as the world is shifting and awakening. If you know you have a purpose to impact the world, now is literally the time to do it, and that's okay. Again, if you're listening to this and you're like, oh, I don't know, I'm not at that place yet, it's okay. It's not a race, nothing's going to happen.
Speaker 1:You can take your time, but as a collective, it's a wonderful time to really start to ask yourself if I was showing up as the fullness of me, the full power of who I am and what I'm here to do, what would that look like? What would I be doing differently? How would I be talking? How would I be showing up? What would I be selling? Or what would I be going for? What would I be talking? How would I be showing up? What would I be selling? Or what would I be going for? What would I be doing? It's not gonna be the same as what you're doing right now, so what would be different?
Speaker 1:And I'm gonna finish this off with a little message that you already should know, but it's important. It's an important reminder that you are supported. You are not alone in this. No matter where you are, doesn't matter who you are, where you are, what you've done, what you haven't done, you are fully supported by your spirit team, by whatever you believe in. It's a higher power. If you have a purpose and you're here to impact the world, know that your purpose is also supported and it's safe to move forward in it. And a lot of times, the next step simply involves you letting go and opening to receive, knowing that you are worthy and deserving of a fantastic life. And you didn't just come here to help and serve and to impact the world. You also came here for an absolutely mind-blowing, exciting, creative, orgasmic life and that you're deserving of that.
Speaker 1:Sometimes us purpose-driven entrepreneurs, caretakers, leaders we forget that we're also here to enjoy life. We forget that we're also here to enjoy life and sometimes we have to pay more attention to that and actually put in more focus, effort, money towards doing that, to make sure that we are really enjoying everything to the utmost fullest, because we're not here to serve and to give until we're 95. And then maybe, if we have a couple of extra years, enjoy them for ourselves. And I say this because I've seen a lot of entrepreneurs I shouldn't even just say entrepreneurs, people in any kind of speaking capacity and a message. Often and I will say not to gender this, but I often hear this message coming from men and I can understand it because I do think, again, not to gender anything, but from my experience it is very applicable to many of the men that I've worked with this real desire to serve and to serve.
Speaker 1:But some serve the world and to really there's a purpose around serving who really there's a purpose around serving. But what I've seen happen is for people leaders, women, but not only women more so, the ones who tend to overgive and give so much that they're serving all the time they don't necessarily benefit from that message of we're here to serve and we're here to serve the world because what it tends to do is. It tends to make them go on overdrive and neglect themselves even more. And you don't. If you resonate with that, you don't need the message that you're here to serve. You're already serving. That message is very applicable to people that may feel a little bit lost or they may feel they need some of that direction. You already serve all the time.
Speaker 1:It's time to be putting some focus back on you what you enjoy, what makes you feel alive, what you enjoy, what makes you feel alive, what makes you feel excited, and really focusing that all on you Doesn't have to be every day, every second of the day on you, but there needs to be some time put on you. Okay, that's important and that's what you're here for. All that you're interested. I don't know if I'm going to be cutting the amount of people in the beta program because it is not completely finalized, but you, getting your name on the wait list, will make sure that you get priority access Again.
Speaker 1:It's going to be at a special beta price before it goes full price and this is the program you want to be in if you are ready to 10X your results, because, let me tell you, we are focusing on your vision going big, helping you focus on the specific needle movers that are gonna move you forward and, week by week, supporting you to get there so you don't get lost in the weeds, so you don't get lost in your own head, start doubting yourself, start overcomplicating things, making things so much harder than they need to be which, if you're one of my private clients he he, he you know we talk about this all the time simplifying, not making it hard, because we can be our own worst enemy.
Speaker 1:So, if you are ready to explode your vision and finally make everything fall into place if you had a vision board, it's time for those things to come to life. If you are ready for this, this is the program that's gonna help you do that. So I'd love to hear from you. Other than that, I love you. Thank you so much for being here with me. I appreciate you and let's stay connected.
Speaker 2:Thank you for tuning into the Confident, Connected Leader podcast. Lisa Jeffs is committed to helping you break through barriers and climb to new professional heights. If today's episode inspired you, we'd be honored if you could subscribe, rate and leave a review To stay updated with practical tips and insights, follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook. You'll find all relevant links, including those for our complimentary gifts and trainings, in the show notes. Until our next episode, embrace your confidence and stay connected.