The Confident Connected Leader

Unleashing Passion A Journey to Genuine Achievement

Lisa Jeffs Season 3 Episode 12

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What if the key to true fulfillment lies not in sacrifice but in embracing who you really are? Join us on the Confident Connected Leader podcast as we challenge the age-old belief that having it all comes at a cost. Reflecting on personal experiences, including transformative moments from attending life celebrations, we unravel how goals achieved through force and sacrifice often lack the joy that comes from genuine passion. By aligning with your highest values, you can attract the right opportunities—be they financial, relational, or creative—and build a life that’s not only successful but deeply satisfying.

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Speaker 1:

So you want to love your life, have a lot of money, contribute, serve the world, enjoy yourself in the process. This is what you need to start doing more of.

Speaker 2:

Stay tuned, it's going to be a good one, you're tuning into the Confident Connected Leader podcast, your premier destination for breaking through your current professional barriers. Welcome to the show leaders.

Speaker 1:

So today we're going to talk about how to really have it all, and there is a belief system in the world where many people think that you can't have it all, or you can't have it all at the same time, or this or that or whatever limitation that someone wants to speak over you or speak over their own life. I believe you really can have it all, and to me, having it all and to me having it all, the definition is acting in accordance to your top highest values, being in a place of inner peace, joy for the most part not every day, not every second, obviously and allowing the full expression of you out in the world. And through this, you truly do have it all. Everything you need is going to be available for you when you need it. You will be in a state of excitement, of satisfaction, but also welcoming in more expansion, and you'll be enjoying the process, which is what it is all about. You do not need to sacrifice parts of your life experience. That's a very human way of looking at it. It's a very closed off, boxed in way of looking at it. When we look at it from a higher perspective, it truly is about allowing the full expression of you out in the world and magnetizing to you what you need at that time or what you desire, what's going to help you live a fulfilled, prosperous, joyous life where you get to serve the world in whatever capacity you want to do. And when I say serve the world, that could mean on a grand stage, doing incredible things. Could mean on a grand stage, doing incredible things. Or it could mean on a smaller stage, in your community, doing incredible things, and these incredible things can be making someone smile, making someone's day a little bit better, or it can be impacting millions and millions of people. It's what your full expression is here to do and experience, and it starts with understanding what your values are. What do you value?

Speaker 1:

So a few years ago, I started to. Well, I started to. A few years ago there were a lot of passings in my life. There were some friends who passed over. There were some people that I used to go to school with, some family members of friends, my family members. There was quite a few people who passed away and I went to a lot of their celebration of life. Some of them were quite nice, some of them were a little more emotional for various reasons, but each one helped me to really introspect in my own life and question am I truly living in alignment with my values or am I getting somewhat lost in doing trying to climb a mountain, trying to achieve, trying to make all these things happen, when other things that actually matter to me are being neglected and not focused on and achievements made through so much force and sacrifice and pushing and pushing and all this stuff, at least for me, have not been that enjoyable. When I've actually gotten to the achievement, it's been kind of like, okay, okay, what's next? Great, this wasn't actually as amazing as I had imagined it in my head, whereas the things I've done that have truly been just such a pleasure to do and have absolutely felt like they were coming from my soul and the outcome of that regardless of what the outcome is in the world has just been so soul-fulfilling and enjoyable and have led to so many other wonderful things.

Speaker 1:

So I want you to start pondering the ideas of how can I allow the full expression of me out in my business, in the work that I'm doing in the world, so I can start magnetizing a whole new world to me, whether that means more finances, whether that means deeper, more meaningful relationships deeper, more meaningful creations that you're bringing out in the world. Stop worrying so much about what's going to work or not work, or what's on trend, or what the economy is going to want and all these things that can really hinder our self-expression, and I want you to look at what truly wants to be birthed through you in the world, because when we do that work first, then we can make the tweaks necessary that may benefit it let's say, within the market or when we're doing our marketing or when we're doing our selling as opposed to trying to figure out what's going to work first, putting it out in the world something that seems like a great idea, and then it's a complete flop show. I can't tell you how many times in my business, anytime, I've done that. Try to figure out what's the best or try to figure out you know all these things and then it does so poorly, as opposed to other times where I've just been in the energy of joy and fun and excitement and allowed whatever creation wanted to come through to come through and I felt really great putting it out in the world and it's done fantastic with very little force or push with very little force or push. So I want you to start to think about what do I want to express to the world, how do I want to show up in the world and how may I be stifling my true gifts, trying to conform to something that I'm not? And this may run deep.

Speaker 1:

You may have been conforming to something for a very long time and I wasn't scared to go outside the box with things. You know, I remember my mom and I going and buying this felt black jacket and at the time I was just like this is so dreadfully boring, like I cannot wear Now. Now, today, I would wear it. But then I was like, oh, I can't wear just a plain black felt jacket, I need to put some pizzazz into this. And we went to the, the fabric store and I got this animal print fur to put all or the coat well, not all over it, like on the collar and on the sleeves, and it just looked fantastic. It was so my style.

Speaker 1:

And when I would walk in the mall and this was when I was about 15, 15 or 16, I would walk in the mall and I would have women approaching me all the time giving me compliments on my coat and my hair and my looks, and they'd ask you know how old are you? And I tell them and they were just shocked because the way I carried myself was like a much older woman. And it was simply because I was in total alignment with how I felt, what I wanted to express in the world. I felt confident and I was magnetizing people toward me, magnetizing them. Now, on a flip side, when I first started my business I think it was a couple years in, maybe not even a couple of years, probably not even a couple of years it was probably right around the beginning and I had this idea in my head that I had to be really professional. Now, not that you shouldn't be professional, I mean, we want to be professional but I had a false image in my head of what professional meant. I thought that meant, you know, boring corporate from the 1980s or 90s and 10s.

Speaker 1:

And I remember one day, like I had taken off my nails, you know, I was always straightening my hair, I was wearing not very like more natural makeup and, by the way, there's nothing wrong with any of that. There are women that look stunning without anything completely au natural. In fact, women do look stunning au natural. But this wasn't about me looking stunning or not stunning. This was more about how I felt and I was laying in bed one day and I was looking at my nails and I was just like I feel so frumpy. I do not feel good, I do not feel like myself. Screw this professionalism or whatever the hell I had gotten into my head that I thought I should be. And the next day I remember I got some really long nails, like I went to the total flip side. I'm like I can't even take these. I didn't even have nails on, I just had some nail polish. It wasn't even great nail polish and I'm like no, put on the nails. I put on the most brightest red lipstick, threw off this frumpy sweater I had pulled out of someone's closet and put on and I put on the clothes that I felt good in and my entire energy field shifted. My entire energy field changed and I remember putting out some videos around that timeframe, around the couple of weeks that this shift happened, and I remember having so many comments and positive remarks coming in Because, again, I was in my energy and when we are in our true energy whatever that is true for us maybe you think that you need to dress up and wear makeup and do your hair fancy and wear fancy clothes, and maybe that's not you at all.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you want to put on a. What am I thinking of? I'm thinking of a certain type of outfit. It's hard for me to explain. I could see it in my head. But maybe you wanna just have all natural nails and no makeup and put your hair in a messy cute bun and that's what you wanna do, but you feel like you can't and it's stifling your energy.

Speaker 1:

We want to make sure that we are living in accordance to what feels like self-expression to us, because when we feel like we are expressing our natural self and, by the way, when we express our natural self and by the way when we express our natural self, this is not going to cause harm to other people. So if there's a fear of if I express my natural self, then I'm going to be somehow putting people down or hurting other people, putting people down or hurting other people, then I would ask you the question are we actually connected to that expression coming from our core self? Or is that an ego programming coming through? Because our natural core expression we have for a particular reason, especially if we're entrepreneurs and business leaders here to change the world. We have come in with certain gifts, abilities, likes, dislikes, for a reason because we are meant to express them. The more we express them, the more we call in the people that are meant to be impacted by us and by our story and by the work that we do in the world. This is why we have certain likes and dislikes.

Speaker 1:

You know, if I look at a lot of my clients, a lot of my clients have many similarities to me. Many of my clients love the similar clothes as me, the similar clothes as me, similar likes and dislikes. And if I was trying to close that all off and conceal it and be someone that I thought I had to be, then how would they ever find me? They would be confused, they wouldn't be certain if I was the one for them and they may go with someone else and miss out on the connection that we could have had. And so what are you suppressing right now that wants to come out, and this can be as simple as a hobby that you've been thinking of that you haven't allowed yourself to really dive into, into.

Speaker 1:

I had a call with someone a few years ago and he was in a corporate position. He was not very happy, he wasn't unhappy, but he was missing something. He was a musician, musician and he had kind of cut that off of his life for various reasons. And let me tell you, if you're a musician and you are not allowing yourself to bring that part into your world, you're going to hit a wall somewhere where it's just not going to work anymore. Like that is something within you that needs to come out, that needs to be expressed, and you can fit in the box whatever else there is. It doesn't have to be musician, it can be anything.

Speaker 1:

I'll give you an example of someone who does this really well. So, lee Harris, if you're familiar with Lee Harris I love Lee Harris he often tells a story of how where I believe I may butcher this story completely he was trying to get into the music world. I don't think it was working that well. His bread and butter was really coming from these intuitive readings that he was doing. And he tells a story of how he was on a plane and he just heard the message come through that you know you have to bring in music Like you have to. You have to allow this part of you to come through. You just won't be able to like you will. Your soul basically will wither. He didn't use those exact words, but those are my words. And if you see Lee Harris's work that he does now, he brings his music into everything. He brings his music into his intuitive readings, into his channelings. It's a huge part of his body of work. So it may not have worked the way he initially thought it should with the music industry, but he's made it work for himself.

Speaker 1:

So how can you start bringing in things that are important to you, things that you love, that you you know when you're with your best friend or you're with your sibling or your parents or your grandparents or whoever is, you know those few people who get to see the side of us that no one else gets to see. Who are you with those people? And maybe it's nobody, maybe it's just yourself, maybe it's just with your animals or your pets, or maybe nobody, maybe just the trees outside get to see you. But that part of you that comes out in those moments when you feel totally comfortable, those are the parts that you can start getting curious of how you can bring those more into the work that you do to feel more fulfilled, to feel more joyous, to magnetize more opportunities to you, to magnetize more prosperity, to magnetize deep, meaningful relationships that are going to blow your mind, because you are being your true self and those core soul people are being attracted to it. What needs to come through you? Start, wherever you're at with that.

Speaker 1:

For me, often it starts with what's not working here with my wardrobe, with what I'm doing with my hair, my jewelry. What do I want? How do I want to express myself? Because that is one of the ways I express myself that may be completely different for you. Then, however, after that, I start moving into. What am I doing with my time? What am I doing with my business? What needs to be shifted? What am I doing? Because I think I should be doing it, but it's one, it's not enjoyable. Two, it's probably not working as well as it could work. And then you start making some changes. You start having the courage and the bravery to show up as your true self.

Speaker 1:

Not everyone is going to like this. Some people may think it's weird when we stop trying to please others and the collective and stop trying to tone down our message and be something we're not. Yeah, we're gonna piss some people off. They may not verbally attack us, but they may not like it, and that's okay, because one not everyone is gonna like us regardless. We couldn't even be the most sweetest people, pleaser on the planet and have everyone like us. Not everyone's gonna like us, that's okay. Sometimes your full expression is gonna trigger people who feel suppressed, but the more you can express yourself and have this come through, the more you're gonna attract the people that are meant to hear your message, be in your world and be impacted by you.

Speaker 1:

I hope this was an enjoyable episode for you. I really enjoyed this episode. If you would like to hear more on this topic, drop me a text message. I would love to hear from you. Drop me a question if you want me to do a question reading for you on this podcast. If it makes sense for other listeners, I will take your question and I will do one on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

And the Power Play is coming out. If you haven't heard about it I've talked about it a little bit on some episodes. The Power Play is in its beta group run. We're gonna be starting at the end of October. This is a program for you if you are ready to 10X your results from now until the end of the year. Actually, we're going past the end of the year because I want us to. This isn't just for the end of the year. This is also to start next year off with a bang, to get focused, to get clear, to delete the things that are no longer working in your business or in your life, to focus on the needle movers that feel really, really good for you and to tweak, craft your vision. If you don't have one yet, or we're going to create an entirely new one that aligns with the expression of you, and we're gonna get going. We're gonna start doing the work.

Speaker 1:

Accountability is a huge part of this program. So is support to continue moving forward. The biggest reason I see entrepreneurs hinder their growth and progress is because they're overthinking, they're overanalyzing, and this is I'm talking about the really intelligent, driven entrepreneurs that I work with, who love to overthink, to overanalyze, to make it so much harder than it needs to be. We're gonna clear all that junk out so you can not only 10X the results that you're getting, but you can start to enjoy the process and put time and energy and focus on other parts of your life that are going to bring it so much value and fulfillment, because it's not just about 10xing and achieving even though this is great. It's about enjoying the process and loving yourself through it. Okay, send me an email at info at lisajefscom if you're interested in getting on the wait list for the power play. I love you, I appreciate you. Thank you so much for being here.

Speaker 2:

And, as always, let's stay connected. Inspired you. We'd be honored if you could subscribe, rate and leave a review To stay updated with practical tips and insights. Follow us on LinkedIn, instagram or Facebook. You'll find all relevant links, including those for our complimentary gifts and trainings, in the show notes. Until our next episode, embrace your confidence and stay connected.