The Magnetic Leader
Welcome to The Magnetic Leader podcast.
I’m Lisa Jeffs, and if there’s one thing I know... it’s that the version of you who already has what you desire is waiting to be activated.
My journey from rock bottom to soul-led leadership taught me that struggles aren’t setbacks... they’re invitations to your greatest power. I didn’t just overcome addiction, anxiety, and self-doubt. I calibrated into the leader I was meant to be—and now, I help my clients do the same.
For over 11 years, I’ve worked with business leaders and entrepreneurs who on paper have it all... but deep down, they know they’re not living up to their full potential. Here, we don’t chase confidence. We embody power. We don’t hustle harder. We align and amplify.
Each episode is an activation — a space to recalibrate into clarity, confidence, and effortless success.
Ready to step into your next level? I have a few spots open for high-level calibration sessions where we map out your path to effortless influence, impact, and success. Because the question isn’t whether you’re capable of transformation.
It’s whether you’re ready to claim it.
Let’s talk.
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Apply For The Magnetic Leader Accelerator: https://tinyurl.com/bdfkh8vc
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Self Love Journal: For the Woman Who Gives A Lot: https://a.co/d/6sAHvDh
The Magnetic Leader
Unlock Your True Potential by Rewriting Your Life's Script
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This episode revolves around the importance of real transformation, addressing the challenges we face due to self-identity formed by our past experiences. Lisa Jeffs emphasizes taking action as a crucial step towards change and encourages listeners to face their narratives head-on.
• The impact of personal loss on transformation
• Growing up in environments that shape self-worth
• The significance of rewriting personal stories
• Meditation as a tool for connecting to true self
• The necessity of taking action for real change
• Addressing discomfort in the pursuit of growth
• Emphasizing vision-setting for 2025
• The role of accountability in transformative practices
• Invitation to join the Magnetic Leader Accelerator program
Apply for The Magnetic Leader Accelerator Beta Program Here => https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1ps954JWL8OBnekOxeM41-vRQhk3wrrnkq_c2GpaO6_7X-A/viewform?edit_requested=true
Thanks for Listening! We appreciate you. Sending you love and gratitude.
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BOOK YOUR BREAKTHROUGH CALL: https://lisajeffs.youcanbook.me/
FREE GIFT: https://www.purposeacademypro.com/f/meet-your-inner-saboteur-guided-visualization
What you need to know about real transformation. This episode is going to go in the core of why we hold ourselves back and what to do about it.
Speaker 2:To make your 2025 the best year yet. Now. Go, get it, living up to your full potential. Your energy is magnetic. Big dreams believe in it. Wisdom we seeking it, everything that you looking for, brought to you by Lisa Jeffs, the magnetic leader, it's time to soar.
Speaker 3:Tap into your power of an entrepreneur. Level up. Step it up because I believe, find your purpose. Time to be a magnetic leader.
Speaker 1:Welcome to the show leaders. This episode is going to go into a concept that is very near and dear to my heart. I don't want to bring anyone down, that's not the intention of this episode, but it's a real talk episode because sometimes we brush over real human transformation with feel-good tactics and transformation good tactics and give transformation. I have no desire to help people do the fluffy feel good stuff, even though core real transformation will feel good. In fact it'll feel freaking amazing. But it can be a challenge, which is why a lot of people don't want to talk about it. They don't want to go there. They want to do, you know, the fluffy feel-good stuff. So let's get into it.
Speaker 1:This past month, one of my dear friends passed away. This is someone that I grew up with. We met in junior high school. If you've been following me for a while, you will know that I've lost a few good friends in the last little while and more people than I can count. I've gone to their celebration of life and their funerals and it's been a big wake-up call to me and with every person that passes it's just another awareness shift that goes deeper into this concept how I grew up and how a lot of my friends who passed grew up.
Speaker 1:We did not grow up in a typical great home Not that I think a lot of people did, to be honest but we didn't grow up in a household that you know. We were prepping for college and you know all of us were excited about things like prom and homecoming and college are we going to and all that stuff. We grew up in households. Every one of us have a different story. My story, if you know. I'll just go into the short form.
Speaker 1:I started my life in a foster home. I don't think my teen father even knew I existed until I was born. My mother felt like she had to keep it a secret for due reasons, and I had a rougher start to my beginning, went into a wonderful home with two of my parents, who they're my adopted parents, but I don't call them my adopted parents. They're my parents and they did the best that they could. But as many parents in the 80s, there was not a lot of emotional connection and a lot of my needs went unmet and grew up with a group of kids who had similar stories and we all kind of struggled with that low self-worth right.
Speaker 1:Some of the friends that I had also came from homes that either didn't have one parent there or there was just a huge lack of connection and parenting and what it did was it caused us to view ourselves as in a very low light. So I remember times growing up where I didn't even like going to college, wasn't even a thought of mine, and I'm not even sure why. To be honest, the parenting lacked that real guidance when I needed it. And then my father passed away at 19 and it kind of spiraled out. And that's when I got into the adult entertainment world, because that's what I thought, you know, I could do and a lot of my friends at that time went into different avenues of crime and really kind of spiraled out. And it's interesting to see people from that time that I grew up with.
Speaker 1:A lot of people spiraled out and ended up in drugs and on a few of those instances drugs took their life. And it's shown me a very clear example that our self-identity, how we view ourselves in this world, how we value ourselves, what we believe our worth to be, what we believe we are capable of, and all the stories that we take with us from our youth impact what we do today, what we believe we are capable of, and it's not just the connection to or stories that are similar to mine and my friends. You may not have a story that's even remotely like that, but I can guarantee that if you're going through any kind of challenge or frustration and you've been going through it for a while it's likely tied to a story and I bet you we can go back and we can see the connection from past, whether that is your past growing up from zero to seven, something that happened in adolescent or even early adulthood. When I'm working with my clients and we're doing this work to shift the stories and shift the limitations and really shift the patterns because that's all they are, they're just simply patterns we can tie it back to these self-identity stories that are from the past. And saying goodbye to this friend who passed suddenly it was a shock for a lot of us.
Speaker 1:It was this real, clear indication that If we people, humanity, want to change our life and what we are experiencing whether that is the finances we're experiencing, whether that is the career we are in, the business we have, the love and romance that we are welcoming in and accepting into our lives or tolerating I'm recording this on Valentine's Day. We need to look at how do I view myself in the world and we need to look past that, because we are so much more than the stories we tell ourselves. We are so me, lisa Jeffs if I were to look at Lisa Jeffs as simply the programs that I operate under. So this is the stories I tell myself, of who I am, even the stories that I just shared, of growing up. Right, if I put so much meaning into that and I give it this, what's the word I'm looking for, if I identify with it? So let's say that you know the story that I just shared when my life started in a foster home and I don't have any negative views on that. In fact, my parents instilled very beautiful stories of walking into the foster home and seeing me on a blanket in the living room, the sun shining down, and they were just in love immediately. But even that's right, I'm identifying with a good feeling thought.
Speaker 1:But if we identify with these stories, it becomes our reality, it becomes who we are and we get to choose. We get to choose the stories that we want to identify with or not. We are so much more than our stories, but especially, we are so much more than the negative stories. Right? If we've had relationships, let's say that have been. I know a lot of people online are now talking about relationships with narcissists. Right? A lot of people in my community are empaths and many empaths have stories of narcissists. Right, it's part of the learning lesson to stand in our power, own our power, and a lot of us have these memories or potentially we're in it right now. But again, I digress To transform and to transform your life and to truly let go of the past and step into something new, we need to get a hold on the stories that we are identifying with as us, because we are so much more like Lisa Jeffs is so much more than these stories that I have from the past. I'm even so much more than the visions and the dreams I have for the future. In fact, one of the exercises I gave a member of the Magnetic Leader Accelerator this week was to go into meditation and ask to be shown their core energetic signature and what this will do. You can do it too. I'm inviting you to do this exercise as well is when you are in meditation and PS.
Speaker 1:I know a lot of people in my community aren't regular meditators, and a lot of them struggle with even the thought of meditating of them struggle with even the thought of meditating. When I say meditating, you do not need to go and sit on a rock and clear your thoughts for an hour. Okay, that is not what I'm talking about. All I am saying is closing your eyes. If you're new to this, close your eyes. You don't need to clear your mind.
Speaker 1:Thoughts will come in meditation. The purpose is not to identify with them. Let them flow by, as they are a cloud flowing by, and I want you to set the intention, and you can do that by stating out loud I set the intention, I will be shown my core energetic signature, and what this does is allows you to tune in to the full energy of who you are. When I do this, I feel it first. You may feel it, you may see it, you may know it, you may hear it. It can come in any shape or fashion. Do not get attached to how it may come in. In fact, don't even have any expectations. Let that all go. When I do this, I feel my core energetic signature, so big, so powerful, so grounded and so wise, beyond any of the stories I'm telling myself in the day-to-day that it's a huge reality check that we are more than our current human self-identity. And even if you consciously know that and you're like Lisa, I know I'm so much more. I want you to practice this exercise anyways, because it's a fabulous thing to do daily, to get yourself out of your head into your body, into the truth of who you are, to support your movement forward so you aren't stuck in the loop of limitation.
Speaker 1:Most people that I talk to, who are having challenges, with confidence, with clarity, with you, know they desire something, but they just can't seem to change their reality. It's because they are looping the same thoughts, stories and energy over and over and over again, like Groundhog Day. One of the other practices we do within the Magnetic Leader Accelerator is we have a practice of tuning into our magnetic vision statement and not engaging with the old programming. Literally, when those old thought patterns and those old stories come out, come back, just visualizing, wiping them as if you are wiping a stain off the counter, as if you are wiping a stain off the counter, not engaging and allowing them to build momentum. That is the biggest problem is people are waking up in the same energy, right, they're allowing their body to do the same actions. Everything is the same, even if they, you know they're staring at their vision board for two minutes but they're not changing anything else. They're going to bed in the same energy and it's just a repeat. This is what is keeping the past alive. I don't care what your past is, I don't care if your past is an absolute nightmare.
Speaker 1:In your opinion, part of the work to heal and move forward is to change the stories. Now, I'm simplifying it here because everyone has their own path, and some of the healing can involve really working on our neural pathways. Sometimes it involves our nervous system, sometimes it involves, you know, some deep somatic work, some spiritual work. Right, it can be a whole lot of different things that we can do to heal these patterns, but I don't want you to get also lost in the story that you have to go and do so much healing to be able to move forward, because that's just not true.
Speaker 1:I have made radical changes in my life simply by making a decision that I was done. I was absolutely done with a certain reality, and the key here is I started taking new actions. This is critical. A lot of times in the personal development world. We love doing the deeper work which, by the way, I love too, and it's very important but we can get lost in the journaling and the meditating and joining 10,000 programs and doing all these things but not taking the actions needed. And let me tell you, the members of the Magnetic Leader Accelerator that are in there right now are having the most massive shifts, and the reason why is because we do what's called the power hour, and this is an intentional hour where they are held accountable to taking the needle mover actions. And this alone has been radical.
Speaker 1:And I'm calling myself out because some of the work that I used to do with clients yes, actions have always been a part of it, but I wasn't as firm with the actions. I was a little more lax and focused more on doing some of the healing work, which, again, is very important, but through this program. The reason I created this program was, I said to myself, I'm seeing a lot of people getting lost in just doing a lot of work, like I would see some people I know in the personal development world and I would see them commenting on other people's Instagram. You know when people put out these things and they're like join this masterclass, do this, do this, and I would see people just keep joining the same things over and over and over again, and I thought to myself this is not effective, this is not productive. Not that everything needs to be productive, but it was giving me the energy of getting lost in the loop, right, getting lost in the story of dopamine hits from watching a new class or listening to a new podcast, et cetera, et cetera, and I'm guilty of that too, but it doesn't actually give us the results that we want. Actually give us the results that we want.
Speaker 1:Action, even though uncomfortable, a lot of the time, is really going to move the needle, and if you feel like you're paralyzed from taking action, that's when we have to go in and do some deeper work around healing. But a lot of times it's the conditioning that's stopping us from taking the action. And having the accountability to move in a different direction and start building momentum in that direction is going to have a greater effect on us, our confidence, our self-identity, who we see ourselves as in this world, than anything else. And when I've been in moments where I've gotten so sick and tired of something and I've just made the decision to change, I have had radical, life-altering changes in the right direction within days, weeks, months. It's completely different and I did that. Even with challenges. My nervous system was still fight or flight, my mindset wasn't perfect, but I still made these changes.
Speaker 1:Now I'm not saying that not to do this deeper work, but don't let it be a hindrance and don't get lost in it. I had a call with someone I remember actually it wasn't a call, it was a conversation on social media somewhere and they were stating that they were scared that they couldn't make a change until their nervous system was regulated. And I know that where they got this information? Because it's being taught online. And yes, of course we want to regulate our nervous system. Of course we want to do that work.
Speaker 1:That's some of the most healing work you can do getting out of survival, getting out of fight or flight but you do not need to wait to move forward. You do not need to wait to start seeing different results in your life and shifting your self-identity until all the pieces are in place. You do not. I am proof of that. I've done this multiple times and I'm not some kind of special chicken. I just understand and even understood it before I even knew what the heck I was doing, what you truly need to transform your life, your work, your financial situation, your body, your relationships, etc.
Speaker 1:So I'm going to wrap it up here and my final thought for this, my final wrap up, is for you to get clear what are you moving towards in 2025? Are you okay repeating the same stories, the same results, or do you want something different? And if you want something different, what are you going to do? That is different, something different what are you going to do? That is different? If you need some help in this area, we are still doing beta rounds of the Magnetic Leader Accelerator included in the beta round. The beta round is a 12-week program currently and on top of that, you get three one-on-one sessions added. That is going away soon, however, not all three sessions, but I will be limiting the one-on-one sessions and eventually they'll go away completely. If you would like to apply for the beta round, the link will be in the show notes. It's really important that we have a short conversation to make sure it's a fit for you and also make sure that it's a good fit for the group.
Speaker 1:I'm being very particular with this group. It's a very small group and it is important that everyone's energy and purpose and vision mesh well together. I love you, I appreciate you. Life is short. 2025 is already starting out to be quite the interesting year, but you have the power to steer your course in any way, shape or fashion you would like. The power comes from with you and moves outward right. True empowerment from inside to out, not outside, from in in. I love you, appreciate you and, as always, let's stay connected.
Speaker 2:Dreams believe in it. Wisdom we seeking it. Everything that you're looking for, brought to you by Lisa Jeffs, the Magnetic Leader.
Speaker 3:It's time to soar Tap into your power of an entrepreneur.